Fulfilment Solutions
Food Home Delivery
We create delivery experiences
Fresh and on time to your doorstep
Depending on your individual needs and requirements, 7Days can handle the entire logistical transportation process: hauling, sorting and delivery to the end customer.
Our qualified, professional staff in the delivery and customer service departments are always available for customer concerns.
Together we bring your customers an outstanding delivery experience, with high continuity in service quality.

Decentralized delivery to 7Days hubs of transport containers assembled at end-customer level by the sender or a transport company acting on its behalf.
Transshipment and distribution of transport containers to the relevant routes.
Transshipment and distribution of transport containers to the relevant routes.
Home delivery of transport containers by 7Days to customers’ doorsteps with personal handover. We are also happy to deposit goods at a suitable location on request by the customer.
Home delivery of transport containers by 7Days to customers’ doorsteps with personal handover. We are also happy to deposit goods at a suitable location on request by the customer.
Consolidating reusable containers and returning them to the sender, together with the professional disposal of packaging material and items for recycling.

Anlieferung der auf endkundenebene konfektionierten Transportbehältnisse durch den Versender oder ein in seinem Namen agierendes Transportunternehmen dezentral in die Hubs der 7Days.
Umschlag und Verteilung der Transportbehältnisse auf die jeweiligen Touren.
Heimzustellung der Transportbehältnisse durch 7Days bis zur Haustüre mit persönlicher Übergabe an die jeweiligen Privathaushalte. Gerne deponieren wir auf Kundenwunsch auch die Ware an einem dafür geeigneten Ort.
Rückführung und Verdichtung der Mehrweggebinde zum Versender sowie fachgerechte Entsorgung von Verpackungsmaterial und Recycling-Gütern.
1 Decentralized delivery to 7Days hubs of transport containers assembled at end-customer level by the sender or a transport company acting on its behalf.
2 Transshipment and distribution of transport containers to the relevant routes.
3 Home delivery of transport containers by 7Days to customers’ doorsteps with personal handover. We are also happy to deposit goods at a suitable location on request by the customer.
4 Consolidating reusable containers and returning them to the sender, together with the professional disposal of packaging material and items for recycling.
Our service – your competitive edge
The advantages of Food Home Delivery at a glance
Consignment tracking
Time slot delivery
Container management
Nationwide service
Passive cooling
Customer care
Food Home Delivery
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Customers who place their trust in us
We at 7Days focus on customer needs. We serve small and medium-sized enterprises and corporate groups in a wide range of industries, as well as private individuals. We would like to thank our customers for their cooperation in a spirit of partnership.