Ful­fill­ment Solution for Oettinger Davidoff

A cus­to­mi­zed Swiss-wide transport service for premium tobacco products from Oettinger Davidoff   The avai­la­bi­li­ty of goods in sales outlets is a factor that is crucial to high customer satis­fac­tion. We are proud to be the trusted logistics partner within Switz­er­land for the committed family business Oettinger Davidoff Ltd. 7Days repres­ents the Oettinger Davidoff Group’s […]

Valora: Deli­ve­ring fresh sand­wi­ches to Valora every day, nationwide

On 1 May 2023 7Days added fresh and ultra-fresh products to its existing service portfolio, streng­thening its long-standing coope­ra­ti­on with Valora in Switz­er­land. In addition to its existing product groups – FMCG, non-food, beverages, tobacco – 7Days now also delivers fresh sand­wi­ches, fruit, vege­ta­bles and dairy products from the cold storage facility in Eger­kin­gen to […]

KONE: Global tech­no­lo­gy leader for lifts and escalators

In part­ner­ship with 7Days, KONE – one of today’s global tech­no­lo­gy leaders for lifts and escala­tors – is deve­lo­ping an efficient, sus­tainable logistics solution for spare parts manage­ment and delivery in Switzerland. 

7Days on the way to green city logistics

At the end of 2021 84.8% of the Swiss popu­la­ti­on were living in urban areas, with some regional dif­fe­ren­ces. The high level of urba­nizati­on and the rising amount of traffic and emissions this entails are becoming incre­a­sing­ly chal­len­ging for both the envi­ron­ment and the logistics sector. Our aim is to improve our service quality while reducing our emissions in a step towards green city logistics. 

Success story: Migros Online – more than just shopping

With a high level of com­mit­ment and in close part­ner­ship with Migros Online, 7Days has imple­men­ted a future-oriented, optimally efficient logistics solution for the home delivery of groceries ordered online by B2C customers. 

Riedstrasse 4
4622 Egerkingen

(zu Google Maps)
+41 58 470 20 00
+41 58 470 34 50
Riedstrasse 4
4622 Egerkingen

(zu Google Maps)
+41 58 470 20 00
+41 58 470 34 50